CV and Cover Letter XSL template

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XMLCV is a multilingual XSL template for creation of a simple structured Curriculum Vitae and Colver leter. The output can be either PDF, plain text or XHTML. The user does not need to know anything about the design. Everything is done automatically by XSL template.


  • XSLT Processor (Saxon-6.5.x, xsltproc, ...)
  • FO Processor (FOP-0.9x, XSL Formatter, ...)
  • XML Syntax Validator (xmllint, jing, ...) = optional


Before you start with transformation, it is recommended (but it is not necessary) to check if the XML source file have right structure:

$ xmllint --noout --relaxng ../rng/xmlcv.rng ./cv-en_example.xml

Transformation into XHTML:

$ saxon -o ./cv-en_example.html ./cv-en_example.xml ../xsl/xmlcv-xhtml.xsl

Transformation into TXT:

$ saxon -o ./cv-en_example.txt ./cv-en_example.xml ../xsl/xmlcv-txt.xsl

You can also use XSLT Processor in your web browser. Just point your browser on ./cv-en_example.xml file and it will show you XHTML page. Supported web browsers are Internet Explorer (version >= 7), Mozilla Firefox (version >= 2) and Opera (version >= 9.5).

Transformation into PDF or RTF works in two steps. First step is to create XSL-FO file:

$ saxon -o ./cv-en_example.fo ./cv-en_example.xml ../xsl/xmlcv-fo.xsl

If you want, you can even set some parameters:

$ saxon -o ./cv-en_example.fo ./cv-en_example.xml ../xsl/xmlcv-fo.xsl listitem_indent_width=39 show_footer=no current_year=$(date "+%Y")

Then you do not have to change the Setting.xsl file. Most useful params are is the following:

  • current_year
  • show_signature
  • show_footer (FO only)
  • css_path (XHTML only)
  • ck_not_used_color (FO only)
  • listitem_indent_width (FO only)
  • listitem_indent_distance (FO only)
  • listitem_indent_unit (FO only)
  • listitem_indent_separator_width (FO only)
  • end_of_line (TXT only)
  • line_length (TXT only)
  • title_bullet (TXT only)

Second step is to convert FO file into the desired output file:

Into PDF:

$ fop -fo ./cv-en_example.fo -pdf cv-en_example.pdf

Into RTF (not fully supported):

$ fop -fo ./cv-en_example.fo -rtf cv-en_example.rtf

Template tuning

If possible, do not tune xmlcv-fo.xsl file. If you feel like something could be done better, please let me know and I will try to add your requirements into the template.

For visual part of the template, there is a file Setting.xsl. This file contains many attributes which can be changed or even added by yourself. For XHTML output, you can tune xmlcv.css file.


Feel free to change or add localization of this template. Take the file Lang-en.xml like a reference file. All other language files should contain the same number of text item definitions. If you add new localization, please send it to me and I will add it to this project.


HTML outputPDF output